Zschool Alumni Study 2023

Dear Zschool Alumni & Students,

Over the past half-century since the Zelikow School was founded, students have conducted surveys of our alumni analyzing trends, identifying gaps in our curriculum, and proposing new ideas designed to serve our students as well as meet the changing professional needs of our graduates.  

We are most grateful to Dr. Dominika Zakrzewska-Oledzka who designed this study; Dominika is completing her Zschool studies this spring.

This survey should take you about 15-20 minutes, dependent on the amount of content you would like to share. Your responses will be collected anonymously and presented only in the aggregate. You may skip any questions, but we will deeply appreciate you answering as many of them as possible. The data will support and foster the development and growth of Zschool in the coming years, under the leadership of our incoming director, Shirley Idelson.

Results will be shared back with participants once evaluated and calculated.  We would ask that, if possible, you complete this survey by April 3rd.

Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXapCR80sNI_zWClBFkHUXfKh78mH2L9cqPAQi5DVDtFCO2Q/viewform

Thank you in advance for your participation. If you would have any questions regarding the survey, please do not hesitate to reach out at:

Dominika Zakrzewska-Oledzka (Dominika.Zakrzewska-Oledzka@huc.edu) or to me (swindmueller@huc.edu).

With all good personal wishes,

Steven Windmueller

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